Using Inline for Search/Traversal

Is it possible to write the code for graph traversal in C++ rather than using
the Python wrappers? I need the graph search to be as fast as possible.
I tried something simple like this:
It looks like the typedefs for 'graph_graph_t' don't appear until after the
support code:
Is there an example of how to achieve something similar?

Thanks Tiago Peixoto for developing/maintaining this great library!

Is it possible to write the code for graph traversal in C++ rather than using
the Python wrappers? I need the graph search to be as fast as possible.
I tried something simple like this:
It looks like the typedefs for 'graph_graph_t' don't appear until after the
support code: #ifdef __CPLUSPLUS__extern "C" {#endif#ifndef __GNUC__#pragma warning( -
Is there an example of how to achieve something similar?

Yes, this is possible. The idea is that the *_graph_t types will be
different, depending if your graph is directed, undirected, filtered,
reversed, etc. So it is not defined (typedef'd) before the type of your
graph known. This _could_ be pushed before the support code comes, I
suppose, but the way I use it is to define everything in the support
code as templates, so the actual type gets picked up automatically.
Something like:

    class MyVisitor : public boost::default_dfs_visitor
        template <class Vertex, class Graph>
        void discover_vertex(Vertex v, Graph& g)
            std::cout << v << std::endl;

Then your code would be:

   MyVisitor vis;
   boost::depth_first_search(graph, boost::visitor(vis));

And there is no necessity of actually knowing the type of the
graph (but if you ever need it, it is there as a typedef).

Thanks Tiago Peixoto for developing/maintaining this great library!

You're welcome!
