Upside down labels


I'm suffering from the same issue mentioned in this post:

Namely, I'm trying to draw a graph that includes a lot of self-looping
edges, and my labels are being printed upside down. If I remove the
self-loops the labels are shown the right way up.

Is there a fix for it?



No, the bug is still open. It is probably a simple issue with the
fit_view code. It would help if you could provide a small self-contained
example which shows the problem.


I am just now starting with graph_tool and having this issue as well. Has anyone yet resolved it?

This code shows the problem under Ubuntu 20.04 running under WSL2.


import time
import threading
import queue
import numpy as np
import graph_tool as gt
import graph_tool.draw as gtd
from numpy.random import *
from numpy.linalg import norm
import sys, os, os.path
from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf, GObject, GLib

class Producer (threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, threadID, name, q, priority=None):
        self.threadID = threadID = name
        self.q = q
        self.priority = priority

    def run(self):
        print("Producer " + + " has started")
        while True:
            edge = (np.random.randint(0, 100), np.random.randint(0, 10))
            if edge[0] != edge[1]:
                print(f'Producer {} has added {edge} to the queue')

# This function will be called repeatedly by the GTK+ main loop, and we use it
# to update the vertex layout and perform the rewiring.
def update_state():

    # Perform one iteration of the layout step, starting from the previous positions
    print(f' update_state(): iterate force-directed graph')
    gt.draw.sfdp_layout(graph, pos=pos, K=rest_length, init_step=step, max_iter=1)

    for i in range(100):
        if not node_queue.empty():
            edge = node_queue.get()
            print(f' update_state() has consumed {edge}. Adding to the graph')
            v0_idx = edge[0]
            v1_idx = edge[1]
            v0_name = f'v_{v0_idx}'
            v1_name = f'v_{v1_idx}'
            vertex_names = list(graph.vp['name'])
            if vertex_names[0] == '__TEMP_VERT__':

            if v0_name in vertex_names:
                print(f' update_state() has found {v0_name} in the graph')
                v0_idx = list(vertex_names).index(v0_name)
                print(f' update_state() has not found {v0_name} in the graph')
                v0_idx = graph.add_vertex()
                graph.vertex_properties['name'][v0_idx] = v0_name
                graph.vertex_properties['size'][v0_idx] = 10.0 # np.random.randint(10,10)

            if v1_name in vertex_names:
                print(f' update_state() has found {v1_name} in the graph')
                v1_idx = list(vertex_names).index(v1_name)
                print(f' update_state() has not found {v1_name} in the graph')
                v1_idx = graph.add_vertex()
                graph.vertex_properties['name'][v1_idx] = v1_name
                graph.vertex_properties['size'][v1_idx] = 10.0 # np.random.randint(10,10)

            edge = graph.add_edge(v0_idx, v1_idx)
            print(f' update_state() has added ({v0_idx}: {v0_name}, {v1_idx}: {v1_name}) to the graph')

            gt.draw.sfdp_layout(graph, pos=pos, K=rest_length, init_step=step, max_iter=1)


    # The following will force the re-drawing of the graph, and issue a
    # re-drawing of the GTK window.
    print(f' update_state(): rebuild / redraw)')

    # We need to return True so that the main loop will call this function more
    # than once.
    print(f'update_state() ends: {time.time()}')
    return True

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Set up queue to pass edges to display (main) thread
    node_queue = queue.Queue()

    # Set up a worker thread to put edges in the queue
    threads = []
    producer = Producer(1, "prod1", node_queue, 6.) # create producer object with priority 6

    # Set up some functional parameters

    # Create a graph to initialize the window width.
    # TODO: Is there a way to initialize an empty graph?
    # Initializing the GraphWindow without ay least
    # vertices and some edges seems to cause the
    # vertices and edges to be drawn with unpredictable
    # radii and thicknesses
    graph = gt.Graph(directed=True)
    v0, v1, v2 = graph.add_vertex(3)
    graph.add_edge(0, 1)
    graph.add_edge(0, 2)
    graph.add_edge(1, 2)

    prop_node_name = graph.new_vertex_property("string")
    graph.vertex_properties['name'] = prop_node_name
    prop_node_name[v0] = '__TEMP_VERT__'
    prop_node_name[v1] = '__TEMP_VERT__'
    prop_node_name[v2] = '__TEMP_VERT__'

    prop_node_size = graph.new_vertex_property("float")
    graph.vertex_properties['size'] = prop_node_size
    prop_node_size[v0] = 100
    prop_node_size[v1] = 100
    prop_node_size[v2] = 100

    # Parameters for the layout update
    step = 0.2 # move step
    rest_length = 15 # preferred edge length

    pos = gtd.sfdp_layout(graph, K=rest_length) # initial layout positions
    win = gtd.GraphWindow(
            geometry = (1600, 900),
            vertex_size = graph.vertex_properties['size'],
            vertex_text = graph.vertex_properties['name'],
            vertex_font_size = 30,
            vertex_rotation = 3.14159266368979323846,
            edge_text = 'relationship',
            edge_font_size = 30,
            edge_pen_width = 5,
            edge_text_parallel = True,

    # Bind the function above as an 'idle' callback.
    cid = GLib.idle_add(update_state)

    # We will give the user the ability to stop the program by closing the window.
    win.connect("delete_event", Gtk.main_quit)

    # Actually show the window, and start the main loop.