Segmentation fault in MeasuredBlockState copy method


I am using graph_tool version 2.37 (commit 1d377b3e) on a server with Debian
10 Buster.
Whenever I try to copy a MeasuredBlockState object I get segmentation fault.
This does not happen with Uncertain or MixedMeasured object though.

from graph_tool.all import *

g =["lesmis"].copy()

n = g.new_ep("int", 2)
x = g.new_ep("int", 2)

state = MeasuredBlockState(g, n = n, x = x, n_default = 0, x_default = 0)

st = state.copy()

The stack trace using gdb and calling the script above is as follows:

This is really strange. I can reproduce a segfault with the
instantiation of MeasuredBlockState (not copying), but only on buster,
not on unbuntu or any other distro.

Could you please open an issue for this in gitlab, so I can keep track,
and investigate in more detail?


Hello Tiago,

I have been trying to file an issue in gitlab, but I am unable since the
repository has restricted access. I registered through gitlab, perhaps
should I do the login any other way (I see there are github or google login

Thank you

I have approved your user now; you should be able to log in.

I had to turn on manual approvals due to the huge number of spam
accounts being created. I'm working on an alternative solution to this.
