Hi Prof. Peixoto,
I was testing the OverlapBlockState
model on a synthetic graph.
The graph consists of two assortative blocks that are minimally connected to each other.
I was expecting the SBM to infer two blocks that overlap at those minimal nodes, but it infers many blocks.
This is non-degree-corrected SBM(degree-corrected model takes forever to converge, so couldn’t run that).
Am I missing something in my understanding?
Attached are the grapn and marginal distributions of nodes (roi
means region of interest, a.k.a node
Also, it looks like SBM breaks the bigger block into many and keeps the smaller block intact.
The following is the accompanying code.
import numpy as np
import graph_tool.all as gt
# plotting
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# ignore user warnings
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") #, category=UserWarning)
class ARGS():
args = ARGS()
args.SEED = 100
args.num_repeats = 100
args.num_rois = 100
def add_block(A, pos, size, density):
# create block of given density
nrows, ncols = size
a = (np.random.rand(nrows,ncols)<density).astype('int')
i, j = pos
A[i : i+nrows, j:j+ncols] = a
return A
def normalize_A(A):
A = (A + A.T) / 2
A -= np.diag(np.diag(A))
return (A>0).astype('int')
def make_graph_from_A(G):
G = np.tril(G)
edges = np.where(G)
edge_list = list(zip(*(*edges, G[edges])))
g = gt.Graph(
eprops=[('weight', 'double')],
return g
A = np.zeros((args.num_rois, args.num_rois))
A = add_block(A, (0,0), (60, 60), 0.3)
A = add_block(A, (60, 60), (40, 40), 0.3)
A = add_block(A, (57, 57), (6, 6), 0.3)
A = normalize_A(A)
g = make_graph_from_A(A)
def mcmc_eq(args, state):
bs = [] # partitions
Bs = np.zeros(g.num_vertices() + 1) # number of partitions
mdls = [] # entropies
def collect_partitions(s):
B = s.get_nonempty_B()
Bs[B] += 1
return state, bs, Bs, mdls
def get_partition_mode(args, g, state, bs, Bs):
pmode = gt.PartitionModeState(bs, converge=True)
return pmode
def rescale(X):
X /= np.expand_dims(np.sum(X, axis=-1), axis=-1)
X = np.nan_to_num(X)
X = np.round(X, decimals=3)
return X
def get_marginals(args, g, state, mode):
# vertex marginals of the graph in the state,
# if overlapping state, it is graph of half-edges
sg = state.g
B = mode.get_B()
v_marginals = np.zeros((sg.num_vertices(), B))
for idx, prob in zip(sg.iter_vertices(), mode.get_marginal(sg)):
prob = list(prob)
prob = prob if len(prob) < B else prob[:B]
prob = prob + [0]*(B - len(prob))
v_marginals[idx] = np.array(prob)
v_marginals = rescale(v_marginals)
if not state.overlap:
marginals = v_marginals.copy()
# average of probs. of half-edges incident on a vertex
marginals = np.zeros((g.num_vertices(), v_marginals.shape[-1]))
for v, hes in zip(g.iter_vertices(), state.half_edges):
marginals[v] = np.mean(v_marginals[hes], axis=0)
return marginals
def fit_sbm(args, g, state=gt.BlockState, state_args=dict()):
state = gt.minimize_blockmodel_dl(g, state=state, state_args=state_args)
state, bs, Bs, mdls = mcmc_eq(args, state)
pmode = get_partition_mode(args, g, state, bs, Bs)
marginal = get_marginals(args, g, state, pmode)
return marginal, pmode, state, bs, Bs, mdls
args.wait = 1000
args.niter = 10
marginal, pmode, state, bs, Bs, mdls = fit_sbm(args, g, gt.OverlapBlockState, state_args=dict(deg_corr=False))
ncols = 1
nrows = 1
fig, axs = plt.subplots(
nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols,
figsize=(4*ncols, 6*nrows), dpi=90,
sharex=True, sharey=True
ax = axs
sns.heatmap(marginal, ax=ax,)# annot=True, fmt='.2f')
xlabel='block', ylabel='roi',
Thank you,