Overlapping sbm mixed memberships

Hi Prof. Peixoto,

I am using graph-tool version 2.59.

I wanted to ask about getting mixed membership values of each vertex from the OverlapBlockState.

I am comparing it with the MMSBM (Airoldi et al. 2009) with their github code here: GitHub - premgopalan/svinet: Efficient discovery of overlapping communities in massive networks PK Gopalan, DM Blei Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (36), 14534-14539
One of their output files is the mixed membership values of a vertex to all the groups/communities.
Their membership value is the posterior probability of a group for a vertex.

Is there a way to get such probability values as group memberships from OverlapBlockState ?
I do see the method get_overlap_blocks(), but I don’t get the probability values.

Thank you,

In graph-tool posterior sampling is implemented via MCMC, as described in detail here: Inferring modular network structure — graph-tool 2.59 documentation

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Hi Prof. Peixoto,

Reading the Inferring modular network structure — graph-tool 2.59 documentation section I understand the code snippet for BlockState SBM:

g = gt.collection.data['lesmis']

state = gt.BlockState(g)
gt.mcmc_equilibrate(state, wait=100, mcmc_args=dict(niter=10))

bs = []
def collect_partitions(s):
    global bs
    # force_niter=10000, 

pmode = gt.PartitionModeState(bs, converge=True)
pv = pmode.get_marginal(g)

Is there a similar code snippet for OverlapBlockState?
My following attempt throws errors:

g = gt.collection.data['lesmis']

state = gt.OverlapBlockState(g)
gt.mcmc_equilibrate(state, wait=50, mcmc_args=dict(niter=10))
bs = []
def collect_partitions(s):
    global bs
    # force_niter=10000, 

pmode = gt.PartitionModeState(bs, converge=True)
pv = pmode.get_marginal(g)

I believe the error is inside the collect_partitions() function where I am appending the overlap blocks.
When I tried appending s.get_blocks().a, its length is not the number of vertices, instead it is twice the number of edges in the graph.

Is there any principled way of doing this? And also is there any example that I can understand?

Many thanks,

Hi Prof. Peixoto,

I read the quick cookbook guide and the relevant papers on MCMC procedure, overlapping block model, and consensus partitioning.

My question is:
For overlapping block model, when we sample partitions we get posterior probabilities of the half-edges, but how do we get the probabilities for vertices?

Is it principled to add the probabilities of all the half-edges incident on a vertex to obtain the vertex’s posterior probability?

Will PartitionModeState().get_marginal() give us vertex posteriors?

Many thanks,

As you already observed, the overlapping SBM yields partitions of half-edges. So the procedure above would give you posterior probabilities on the memberships of half-edges.

When you ask for “the probability for the vertices”, I’m not sure exactly what you mean, since a each half-edge incident on each node will have its own posterior distribution.

There are many ways to convert that information into a general probability that a node belongs to a group. For example, you can say that a node belongs to a group if at least one of its half-edges belongs there.

Alternatively, which is probably the easiest, you can compute the membership probability corresponding to choosing an incident half-edge uniformly at random. In this way, the membership probability will be weighted by the fraction of half-edges. This is the easiest, since you would just average all the half-edge posterior probabilities together.

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Hi Prof. Peixoto,

I was testing the OverlapBlockState model on a synthetic graph.
The graph consists of two assortative blocks that are minimally connected to each other.
I was expecting the SBM to infer two blocks that overlap at those minimal nodes, but it infers many blocks.
This is non-degree-corrected SBM(degree-corrected model takes forever to converge, so couldn’t run that).
Am I missing something in my understanding?

Attached are the grapn and marginal distributions of nodes (roi means region of interest, a.k.a node):

Also, it looks like SBM breaks the bigger block into many and keeps the smaller block intact.

The following is the accompanying code.

import numpy as np
import graph_tool.all as gt

# plotting
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

# ignore user warnings
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") #, category=UserWarning)

class ARGS():

args = ARGS()

args.SEED = 100
args.num_repeats = 100


args.num_rois = 100

def add_block(A, pos, size, density):
    # create block of given density
    nrows, ncols = size
    a = (np.random.rand(nrows,ncols)<density).astype('int')
    i, j = pos
    A[i : i+nrows, j:j+ncols] = a
    return A

def normalize_A(A):
    A = (A + A.T) / 2
    A -= np.diag(np.diag(A))
    return (A>0).astype('int')

def make_graph_from_A(G):
    G = np.tril(G)
    edges = np.where(G)
    edge_list = list(zip(*(*edges, G[edges])))
    g = gt.Graph(
        eprops=[('weight', 'double')],
    return g

A = np.zeros((args.num_rois, args.num_rois))
A = add_block(A, (0,0), (60, 60), 0.3)
A = add_block(A, (60, 60), (40, 40), 0.3)
A = add_block(A, (57, 57), (6, 6), 0.3)
A = normalize_A(A)

g = make_graph_from_A(A)

def mcmc_eq(args, state):
    bs = [] # partitions
    Bs = np.zeros(g.num_vertices() + 1) # number of partitions
    mdls = [] # entropies
    def collect_partitions(s):
        B = s.get_nonempty_B()
        Bs[B] += 1
    return state, bs, Bs, mdls

def get_partition_mode(args, g, state, bs, Bs):
    pmode = gt.PartitionModeState(bs, converge=True)
    return pmode

def rescale(X):
    X /= np.expand_dims(np.sum(X, axis=-1), axis=-1)
    X = np.nan_to_num(X)
    X = np.round(X, decimals=3)
    return X

def get_marginals(args, g, state, mode):
    # vertex marginals of the graph in the state, 
    # if overlapping state, it is graph of half-edges
    sg = state.g
    B = mode.get_B()
    v_marginals = np.zeros((sg.num_vertices(), B))
    for idx, prob in zip(sg.iter_vertices(), mode.get_marginal(sg)):
        prob = list(prob)
        prob = prob if len(prob) < B else prob[:B]
        prob = prob + [0]*(B - len(prob))
        v_marginals[idx] = np.array(prob)

    v_marginals = rescale(v_marginals)
    if not state.overlap:
        marginals = v_marginals.copy()
        # average of probs. of half-edges incident on a vertex
        marginals = np.zeros((g.num_vertices(), v_marginals.shape[-1]))
        for v, hes in zip(g.iter_vertices(), state.half_edges):
            marginals[v] = np.mean(v_marginals[hes], axis=0)
    return marginals

def fit_sbm(args, g, state=gt.BlockState, state_args=dict()):
    state = gt.minimize_blockmodel_dl(g, state=state, state_args=state_args)
    state, bs, Bs, mdls = mcmc_eq(args, state)
    pmode = get_partition_mode(args, g, state, bs, Bs)
    marginal = get_marginals(args, g, state, pmode)
    return marginal, pmode, state, bs, Bs, mdls

args.wait = 1000
args.niter = 10
marginal, pmode, state, bs, Bs, mdls = fit_sbm(args, g, gt.OverlapBlockState, state_args=dict(deg_corr=False))

ncols = 1
nrows = 1
fig, axs = plt.subplots(
    nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, 
    figsize=(4*ncols, 6*nrows), dpi=90,
    sharex=True, sharey=True

ax = axs
sns.heatmap(marginal, ax=ax,)# annot=True, fmt='.2f')
    xlabel='block', ylabel='roi',

Thank you,