Installation has changed

Hello Tiago,

Thanks for your reply!

> Are you really using a 32 bit i386 CPU in 2020?

No, I have 64 bit:

dpkg --print-architecture --> amd64

I think I found the solution:

Now it works fine. If other users face the same problem, maybe you could
mention the following fix for /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb [ arch=amd64 ] DISTRIBUTION main

> Xenial is super old and does not compile graph-tool due to a lack of
> compiler with C++17 support.

It's really a pity that you face problems with the C++ compiler. I think
that Ubuntu Xenial is still widely used. It is supported until April

(I would upgrade if I could but the hardware on that computer doesn't
allow it)

Best regards

Hello Tiago,

Thanks for your reply!

Are you really using a 32 bit i386 CPU in 2020?

No, I have 64 bit:

dpkg --print-architecture --> amd64

I think I found the solution:

repository - apt looking for i386 files, even though architecture is amd64 - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

Now it works fine. If other users face the same problem, maybe you could
mention the following fix for /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb [ arch=amd64 ] Index of /apt DISTRIBUTION main

Thanks, I will add this to documentation.

Xenial is super old and does not compile graph-tool due to a lack of
compiler with C++17 support.

It's really a pity that you face problems with the C++ compiler. I think
that Ubuntu Xenial is still widely used. It is supported until April

Releases - Ubuntu Wiki

It's out of my hands. That release is frozen in time, and it includes
only GCC 5, where we need version 7 or above.

(I would upgrade if I could but the hardware on that computer doesn't
allow it)

I don't believe the hardware requirements have changed from xenial to



The function graph_tool.draw.interactive_window is great for exploring a
graph interactively. Often I just need some part of a graph, for which I
can easily define a filter (or view). My question is: Is it possible to
switch between the full graph and a filtered subset of the graph
interactively? I tried something like the code below but it didn't work:

def my_key_press_callback(self, g, keyval, picked, pos, vprops, eprops):
     if (chr(keyval)=='1'):
         self.g = g1
     if (chr(keyval)=='2'):
         self.g = g2

g1 = gt.load_graph("mygraph.xml.gz")
g2 = gt.GraphView(g1, vfilt=SOMEFILTER)
gt.interactive_window(g1, key_press_callback=my_key_press_callback)

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Best regards