Gtk-Error: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected... ideas for work around?

I'm wondering if anyone has an idea for a work around with my problem.

I've written a gui using pyqt which I guess uses gtk 3.x. When I import
graph_tool.draw, I get an error message saying

( Gtk-ERROR **: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and
GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

I've been thinking that the easiest solution would be to call anything
graph_tool related in a separate process. Thoughts on this?

How would I import graph_tool without importing draw? More specifically,
which submodule provides the core functionality?

I'm wondering if anyone has an idea for a work around with my problem.

I've written a gui using pyqt which I guess uses gtk 3.x. When I import
graph_tool.draw, I get an error message saying

PyQt uses the QT libraries, not GTK+. It would be quite disturbing if it
imported any GTK+ symbols.

( Gtk-ERROR **: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and
GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

This is probably due to something else pulling GTK+ 2 symbols, while
graph-tool uses GTK+ 3. A common source of this is matplotlib. Verify
your matplotlibrc file, and set it to use GTK+ 3 or QT.

I've been thinking that the easiest solution would be to call anything
graph_tool related in a separate process. Thoughts on this?

Seems overly complicated.

How would I import graph_tool without importing draw? More specifically,
which submodule provides the core functionality?

Just import anything but graph_tool.draw... The core functionality is
provided by just making 'import graph_tool'.


I changed my ~/user/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc to use Qt4Agg. No luck. Same
with anything else I try. Cairo, wx...all the same.

The error is happening immediately after I run The code makes no
immediate calls to graph_tools except for importing graph_tools.draw

Well, _something_ is importing pygtk or otherwise loading GTK+ 2. The
graph_tool.draw module loads GTK+ 3, and these can't coexist. You must
find out which module is including GTK+ 2. Since I do not know what
other modules you are loading, there is little else I can say...

Not solved, but..

I created a VM with Debian Squeeze, installed pyqt4 and graph-tool from the
repo provided. Code works just fine.
I created a second VM with Ubuntu 12.04 (what I'm using now). Installed
pyqt4 and graph-tool. The error pops up.

When I run in gdb, I can see that gtk is actually being called when
I import qt4. I don't know what specifically in pyqt4 is triggering this.

Either way, thanks for your help. I can stick with Debian for now and swap
out qt later down the road.

Here is a possibility: You can configure Qt to use a native GTK theme,
via QGtkStyle. This will actually use GTK+ to draw the widgets, and load
the library. If you are using this, than this may be your problem. Try
changing the QT theme to see if it has any effect.
