graph-tool on CentOS?

Dear all,

I know there has been some discussion on the mailing list from a few years
ago of getting graph-tool to run on CentOS which, based on a quick read,
seems to have concluded that it was difficult. I was wondering if people had
any experiences with the current state of play on that front. Has the
situation changed? Can I, in people's opinion, be confident that I can get
the latest version of graph-tool to run on CentOS without having to spend
large amounts of time trying to get it to work each time I need to update
the version?

For context: I am having to rebuild my Ubuntu machine and it was suggested I
should look into moving to CentOS instead. I am unfamiliar with CentOS but
if graph-tool will be difficult to get to run on CentOS then that would be a
good reason for me not to move to CentOS. (Obviously there may be other
reasons for moving to CentOS but those are not my primary concern here.)

Thank you for any opinions on this topic in advance!

With best wishes,


AFAIK CentOS only ships with GCC 4.8, which is too old to compile
graph-tool, and is the main bottle neck. On top of this there is the version
of Boost, which I also think is too old there. In short, CentOS decides to
stay 7 years behind everything else, and is difficult to maintain this kind
of backward compatibility, given the recent speed with which C++ has been
evolving (C++11, C++14, etc).

I wrote a short tutorial about installing Graph-Tool on CentOS this a while
It should be findable in this mailinglist.
For example, to overcome the problem of the old GCC version, you should yum
install the devtoolset-4, which provides newer versions of a number of
important binaries.

Good luck!

Best regards,


2018-02-08 12:53 GMT+01:00 Tiago de Paula Peixoto <tiago(a)>:

attachment.html (2.88 KB)

FYI, Frank's guide can be found here:


attachment.html (3.9 KB)

This is appreciated. If you would be willing to host this somewhere (e.g. as
a snipped in github), and maintain it from time to time, I would be happy to
put a link to it in the installation instructions.