FYI: Parallel execution of multiple MCMC

Hi all, I am running multiple minimizations using joblib (spawning threads, not processes). I just want to let you know that if you ever tried something similar and everything crashed, a working solution would be to disable memmapping in parallel_config. More in detail:

having this function for the minimization:

>>> def fast_min(state, beta, n_sweep, fast_tol, max_iter=max_iter, seed=None):
>>>        if seed:
>>>            gt.seed_rng(seed)
>>>        dS = 1e9
>>>        n = 0
>>>        while (np.abs(dS) > fast_tol) and (n < max_iter):
>>>            dS, _, _ = state.multiflip_mcmc_sweep(beta=beta, niter=n_sweep, c=0.5)
>>>            n += 1
>>>        return state                            

having this list of blockstates (simplified for readibility):

>>> n_init = 100
>>> states = [gt.NestedBlockState(g=g) for n in range(n_init)]

This used to crash in my current configuration

>>> states = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, prefer='threads')(
            delayed(fast_min)(states[x], beta, n_sweep, tolerance, seeds[x]) for x in range(n_init)

whereas this works fine (and pretty fast, actually)

>>> with parallel_config(backend='threading',
>>>        states = Parallel()(
>>>            delayed(fast_min)(states[x], beta, n_sweep, tolerance, seeds[x]) for x in range(n_init)
>>>        )