i received this error while trying to assign a vertex property map to a graph, and i'm not sure how to get around it.
context: i am running minimize_blockmodel_dl() many times in parallel using microprocessing. because my graph is large, i don't want it to save multiple copies of the graph. so i am trying to only keep the block id each time. however, when i try to do this, i get the above error
here's a somewhat simplified example:
import graph_tool.all as gt
import multiprocessing as mp
pool = mp.Pool(5)
def fit_sbm():
state = gt.minimize_blockmodel_dl(g)
b = state.get_blocks()
return b
blocks = pool.map(fit_sbm, range(5))
b0 = blocks[0]
membership = g.new_vertex_property("int")
membership = b0
g.vertex_properties["membership"] = b0
could you explain why this error comes up, and also if possible suggest an alternative way to proceed?
import graph_tool.all as gt
import multiprocessing as mp
g = gt.collection.data["celegansneural"]
pool = mp.Pool(5)
def fit_sbm(i):
state = gt.minimize_blockmodel_dl(g)
b = state.get_blocks()
blocks = pool.map(fit_sbm, range(5))
#b0 = blocks[0]
b0 = blocks[0]
g.vertex_properties["membership"] = b0
i wasn't aware of the own_property() function and can't find it in the graph-tool documentation (other than seeing it being used in examples involving visualization). whatever it does, it seems to work, and the modified code below seems to work
import graph_tool.all as gt
import multiprocessing as mp
g = gt.collection.data["celegansneural"]
pool = mp.Pool(5)
def fit_sbm(i):
state = gt.minimize_blockmodel_dl(g)
b = state.get_blocks()
blocks = pool.map(fit_sbm, range(5))
#b0 = blocks[0]
b0 = blocks[0]
g.vertex_properties["membership"] = g.own_property(b0)