Efficient property map handling


I am working with a lot of vertex property maps that amongst others need to
be initialized. Here is a simple example:

I am profiling it with:
time python2.7 -m cProfile -o stats test_pmap_speed.py
then draw the callgraph with
gprof2dot -f pstats stats | dot -Tpdf -o output.pdf

Here is an example: output.pdf

There seems to be a constant overhead associated with accessing the property
maps. Fortunately, it appears to be independent of the number of vertices.
It contributes quite significantly to the runtime of my tool. The
initialization is an example, but in general, I also need to copy one map to
another one, e.g. map.a = map1.a, where map1 belongs to the graph Sv, map
belongs to S, and Sv is a GraphView of S.

Alright, after the context, here comes my question: how can I efficiently
(i.e. fast) initialize the maps, copy the maps, etc.? Also, creating a new
map seems to take quite long. I am not working with big graphs, but with a
lot of maps.

I have seen gt.inline, however there is practically no documentation. Could
that be a way to speed this up, and if so, how can I learn about the usage?



I am working with a lot of vertex property maps that amongst others need to
be initialized. Here is a simple example:

I am profiling it with:
time python2.7 -m cProfile -o stats test_pmap_speed.py
then draw the callgraph with
gprof2dot -f pstats stats | dot -Tpdf -o output.pdf

Here is an example: output.pdf

There seems to be a constant overhead associated with accessing the property
maps. Fortunately, it appears to be independent of the number of vertices.
It contributes quite significantly to the runtime of my tool. The
initialization is an example, but in general, I also need to copy one map to
another one, e.g. map.a = map1.a, where map1 belongs to the graph Sv, map
belongs to S, and Sv is a GraphView of S.

Alright, after the context, here comes my question: how can I efficiently
(i.e. fast) initialize the maps, copy the maps, etc.? Also, creating a new
map seems to take quite long. I am not working with big graphs, but with a
lot of maps.

Unfortunately, this use case (many very small graphs / properties) is
not what graph-tool was designed to handle very efficiently... There is
not much that can be changed in the property map creation code to
improve performance, I'm afraid.

If you create the property map only once, and access it many times, and
also if your graph does not change in size (this is important), then you
can keep an instance of the array returned by map.a instead of obtaining
it every single time. This would remove the expensive call to
__set_array() you are seeing in your call graph. You can copy its value
in the usual way, i.e. a[:] = b, and it would be reflected in the
property map.

(This is because the property map does not keep a numpy array
internally; it creates one on the fly when get_array() is called, which
points to the internal buffer. This is because property maps can grow,
whereas numpy arrays cannot.)

I guess another option would be for you to keep arrays the whole time
(maybe even a big multidimensional one), not property maps. You could
transform them into property maps only when necessary.

I have seen gt.inline, however there is practically no documentation. Could
that be a way to speed this up, and if so, how can I learn about the usage?

This would not help much, unless you move the entire loops to C++. I
plan to expand this part of the documentation at some point when time



I am now using dict()'s, that is as fast as it could get in Python.
Fortunately all graphs are constant, since my tool performs a kind of graph

BR, Dominik