Edge filter

Dear all, could you tell me what I am doing wrong in the following script,
trying to filter an edge?

import graph_tool as gt
_g = gt.Graph()
print _g

_p = _g.new_edge_property('int')
for _e in _g.edges() : _p[_e] = 0

print _g

[Flavien(a)localhost Downloads]$ python bug.py
<Graph object, directed, with 2 vertices and 1 edge at 0x256b990>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bug.py", line 11, in <module>
    print _g
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/graph_tool/__init__.py", line
1272, in __repr__
    n = self.num_vertices()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/graph_tool/__init__.py", line
2048, in num_vertices
    return self.__graph.GetNumberOfVertices()
RuntimeError: Vertex filter is active but edge filter is not. This is a bug.

attachment.html (1.03 KB)

Hi guys, just a quick reminder about this problem which I am facing again.

attachment.html (1.52 KB)

This is clearly a bug; I'll take care of it in the next couple of days
(I'm currently on travel).

Could you please verify if you get the same error with a property map of
type "bool" instead of "int"?


Well done! I do not have the bug with a bool property instead of int :
[Flavien(a)localhost tmp]$ python bug.py
<Graph object, directed, with 2 vertices and 1 edge at 0x191d910>
<Graph object, directed, with 2 vertices and 0 edges, edges filtered by
(<PropertyMap object with key type 'Edge' and value type 'bool', for Graph
0x191d910, at 0x191d710>, False), vertices filtered by (<PropertyMap object
with key type 'Vertex' and value type 'bool', for Graph 0x191d910, at
0x191d8d0>, False) at 0x191d910>

Have a nice trip,

attachment.html (2.95 KB)

This is fixed now in git.
