Computing K number of shortest paths for a single end-node


I have just discovered graph-tool and read through a bunch of documentation.
I am fairly new to python and graphs. The speed comparison to networkx
really impressed me!

I was utilizing networkx for a project to find K number of weighted shortest
paths from a source to a target node.
It has 'all_simple_path' function - outputting a generator that generates
all paths starting from shortest to longest. I would simply cut the
generator to the K number of paths that I needed.

I can't find a similar function in graph-tool, but I am sure this could be
implemented. The only thing I found was the all_shortest_paths function, but
that only returns the shortest path(s), in most cases only 1. Could you
point me in the right direction how to efficiently generate and store K
number of shortest paths for a specified node?

I know I could just generate all paths and then cut down based on order, but
that's not a real solution since I am running into memory issues with a
small amount of nodes.


It's just called all_paths():

Thank you very much for your reply!!

Just to confirm, the all_paths function will return all paths starting from
the shortest to the longest in that order? Meaning that if I generate 100
paths, the first one will be the shortest, 100th will be the longest, and
15th path will be the 15th shortest?

No, in this function the paths are not sorted by length, as it uses
depth-first search. But note that the all_simple_paths() function from
networkx does not sort them either.
