Accessing colors

Hi all,

How can I access the (r, g, b, alpha) tuples used by default when using graph_draw()?



attachment.html (544 Bytes)

The default color map used can be accessed via:



> How can I access the (r, g, b, alpha) tuples used by default when using
> graph_draw()?

The default color map used can be accessed via:


I want to extract the exact colors used by default in coloring vertices. For example vertex_fill_color=0 is turquoise (graph_tool.draw.default_cm(0)), 1 is yellow (graph_tool.draw.default_cm(300)), ...

How can I access the exact colors used in graph drawing?

I need this to create a legend.



attachment.html (3.06 KB)

The default colors are extracted from that color map, by normalizing the
property map values into the color map's range. In other words, the
smallest value will correspond to the first color, and the largest value
to the last color.