Is multiflip_mcmc_sweep() able to be done in parallel now or in the future (CPU or GPU)?

On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 8:01 AM Tiago de Paula Peixoto <> wrote:
Am 27.02.20 um 10:19 schrieb Felix Victor Münch:
> For the first version I needed 400-500GB RAM, so that wouldn't be
> overkill. The threads however seem pretty much useless, indeed.

500 GB for a network with 3M edges seems absurd. You should be able to
do it with an order of magnitude less memory, at least.

> Hoiweveriwever, as the latter version seems so much more memory
> efficient, I am wondering why it's not implemented as the default in
> form of a function call with the same prominence in the documentation.
> Would love to hear Tiago or anyone else chime in on this. What's the
> advantage of the boiler-plate minimize_nested_blockmodel? Is there any
> except less lines of code?

The algorithms are not the same, and incur different trade-offs.

The one in minimize_nested_blockmodel_dl() attempts to bracket the model
complexity with a one-dimensional bisection search, and requires more
memory because it needs to keep several copies of the global state
during the search.

On the other hand, multiflip_mcmc_sweep() implements merge-split moves,
and keeps only a single state around, hence the improved memory usage.

Although it depends on the network, minimize_nested_blockmodel_dl()
tends to find better estimates of the ground state (i.e. solutions with
smallest description length) in a shorter time, for a cost of higher
memory usage.

The next version of the library will include an improved version of
multiflip_mcmc_sweep() that I am preparing, and this alternative will
gain prominence in the documentation.


Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>
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