Ni! Hi Haiko,

GraphView can simultaneously take `vfilt` and `efilt` parameters, if that is what you wanna know. So,

g_filter = GraphView(g, vfilt=vp_filter, efilt=ep_filter)

should work just fine.

Regarding your code snippet, the 'elegance' issues are kinda unrelated to graph_tool. For example, in the second part, you iterate the dataframe instead of simply iterating the graph edges and getting the edge layer from the internal property map. You also use an if clause to assign the boolean value of the if clause, instead of directly assigning it. So, this is equivalent to your `for` loop:

for e in g.edges():

    ep_filter[e] = g.edge_properties['layer'][e] == layer

All the best,


On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 10:49 AM Lietz, Haiko <> wrote:

Hi all,


gt allows creating graph views where vertices and/or edges are filtered out. The principle is described in the documentation:


"Vertices or edges which are to be filtered should be marked with a PropertyMap with value type bool, and then set with set_vertex_filter() or set_edge_filter() methods. By default, vertex or edges with value '1' are kept in the graphs, and those with value '0' are filtered out." (


Given a layered graph, where layers are coded via an edge property, I want to draw the graphs layer by layer.


This is an example graph:

from graph_tool.all import *

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

# data

edge_list = pd.DataFrame(np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 2, 1], [2, 0, 2]]), columns=['i', 'j', 'layer'])

# create graph

g = Graph(directed=False)

ep_layer = g.new_edge_property('int')

g.add_edge_list(edge_list.values, eprops=[ep_layer])

g.edge_properties['layer'] = ep_layer

# draw graph with edge colors showing the layers

graph_draw(g, edge_color=g.ep.layer)


It is possible to draw a single layer (in this example layer 0) in this complicated way:


# set layer to be drawn

layer = 0

# create graph view

ep_filter = g.new_edge_property('bool')

for i in range(0, len(edge_list)):

    e = g.edge(edge_list['i'][i], edge_list['j'][i])

    if edge_list['layer'][i] == layer:

        ep_filter[e] = True


        ep_filter[e] = False

g_filter = GraphView(g, efilt=ep_filter)

# draw filtered graph

graph_draw(g_filter, edge_color=g.ep.layer)


If I proceed this way I will also have to create a vertex property map to filter unused vertices and do these steps for all layers I want to draw.


But isn’t there a more elegant way – preferably handling vertices and edges in the same step?


Many thanks and best wishes





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