Ni! Hi,

That is the good version. It seems the configure script wasn't updated to require python3 until later.

I'm going to stress this again: please, first try using a prepackaged build.

Only in case none of the prepackaged options serve you, then:

0. Make sure you've read and understood the the Manual compilation instructions.

1. You must tell configure to use the right version of python by calling it with `PYTHON=python3 ./configure`. In this way it will hopefully detect the right python version.

2. If that doesn't help, try checking out and compiling the `master` branch from git. Configure should make all the right checks in that (when using git branches you'll have to first generate `configure` yourself by running `./`). If you don't know git and still want to try this, there are plenty of tutorials online.

If you need to ask more questions, describe in detail the system you're compiling in (distribution, version, how was python3 installed etc), and dump the whole of config.log into some pastebin-like URL. Otherwise we won't be able to help.


On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 12:39 PM Kasper <> wrote:
Thanks for your reply!

I'm trying to install graph-tool-2.37 which I believed to be a newer
version, so Python3 should be all right or am I wrong?

cheers Kasper

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