I compiled 1.1.2 on Ubuntu Linux 8.10 64 bit with GCC 4.3.2, Boost version 1.35, and libexpat 2.0.1. I used the option --enable-openmp. When I run graph-tool, I get a segmentation fault when loading graphml files. I can run the program and get the help usage, but I cannot use the --load myfile.xml option without the segmentation fault. The graphml file is the test file from the text on the graph-tool documentation webpage.

My command line:
$ graph-tool --load testgraphml.xml --betweenness-centrality=VERTEX_BETWEENNESS --save betweenness_results.xml
graph-tool: received signal Segmentation fault

I could not compile the current GIT version, which is why I went with 1.1.2.
Also, I compiled with --disable-visibility and nothing changed.
