Sorry for disturbing again, but I’m trying to draw a graph (with graphviz) with labels on vertices and on edges. 
I saw in the documentation that vprops and eprops are Python attributes with values that are dictionaries containing
key-value pairs, where key is a graphviz attribute and value is either a string or a property map.

So I tried the following:

graphviz_draw(g, vcolor=typev, vprops={label: labelv}, eprops={label: labele}, output=fname+".pdf »)

where label is a graphviz property (as explained in
and labelv and labele are property maps defined as

labelv = g.new_vertex_property("string")
labele = g.new_edge_property("string »)

This doesn’t work and I get the error message

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 459, in <module>
    graphviz_draw(g, vcolor=typev, vprops={label: labelv}, eprops={label: labele}, output=fname+".pdf")
NameError: name 'label' is not defined

But label is indeed a graphviz property, no doubt upon that. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance


Yannis Haralambous
Institut Mines-Télécom, Télécom Bretagne
Computer Science Department
Technopôle Brest Iroise
CS 83818, 29238 Brest Cedex 3, France
ICBM address: 48°21'31.57"N 4°34'16.76"W
Twitter: y_haralambous
...the ball I threw while playing in the park
has not yet reached the ground
(Dylan Thomas)

Es gab eine Zeit, wo ich nur ungern über Schubert sprechen,
nur Nächtens den Bäumen und Sternen von ihm vorerzählen mögen.
(Robert Schumann)