Dear all,

I am sorry if this seems unimportant and please forgive me Tiago for using graph-tool's mailing list to find the right audience. As many of you must have been aware, there exists a famous question-answer website which hosts several sites about extremely diverse topics like science, mathematics, computation, religion, history and so on.

However, I find that the questions related to the various aspects of networks are spread over its various sister sites related to  mathematics, computer science, statistics, biology etc. This is quite natural since the study of networks is an extremely interdisciplinary field. On the other hand, given the huge expanse of this field, it seems only natural to have a separate sister site for questions and answers related to "Complex networks" and in my opinion this would be extremely useful.

Considering this, I have already officially put forth the proposal for such a site:

However, to actually make this proposal pass the first phase, we need at least 60 followers and 40 example questions (each with 10 upvotes) there. If you think that this should happen, I request you to kindly click the above link and follow it. Also, it would be great if you could upload some example questions there and try to upvote the existing ones. I would appreciate any discussion related to this in this thread. Also, I would highly appreciate if you could pass this to people interested in networks somehow (for example by posting on Facebook).

Thank you


Snehal Madhukar Shekatkar