Thanks for the explanation! I was already playing with the compression.

On 8 Jul 2014 15:23, "Tiago de Paula Peixoto" <> wrote:
On 07/08/2014 04:48 AM, Flavien Lambert wrote:
> Hi guys, when saving a graph with .save(), I understood that float are
> represented in hexadecimal exponentiation format. I was wondering the
> reason for that.

The hexadecimal format is to guarantee exact representation, so that you
load exactly the same number you saved, without any loss. This is not
possible with a decimal format.

> The thing behind my question is that I built a graph with 5M vertices
> and 50M edges so storing it as an XML file leads to a 5GB one. So, if
> I can find a way to reduce the size, I will be very happy.

Just use gzip or bzip2.

Note that in graph-tool you can save directly in a compressed format by
doing:"graph.xml.gz")  # for gzip

or"graph.xml.bz2")  # for bzip2

The same thing works for load.

This should lead to a strong reduction of your file size.


Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>

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