I am sorry that I didn't pay attention to the formulae. But now I have two points.

First, the formula for gt.assortativity implies that we are talking about discrete categories for the vertices. If this is true, how can we use it at all for "degree" since we treat that as a continuous variable? Thus,  I don't understand what does "in", "out" and "total" do in this formula.

Second, I tried implementing the formula itself assuming that the actual degree values to be discrete types and my code gives different results than the result given by gt.assortativity. I agree that I might be interpreting the whole thing in a different fashion and I would be very happy to understand it. My code:

import numpy as np
import graph_tool.all as gt

# Load a graph
g = gt.collection.data['karate']

# Unique degree values or types
deg_vals = list(set([v.out_degree() for v in g.vertices()]))
n = len(deg_vals)

e = np.zeros(n) # fraction of edges that connect similar vertices
a = np.zeros(n) # fraction of edges connected to a vertx of a given type

for v in g.vertices():
    a[deg_vals.index(v.out_degree())] += 1
    for nbr in v.out_neighbours():
        if v.out_degree() == nbr.out_degree():
            e[deg_vals.index(v.out_degree())] += 1

a /= g.num_edges()
e /= g.num_edges()

r = (sum(e)-sum(a**2))/(1-sum(a**2))

print(gt.assortativity(g, deg = 'out'))

The output of these two is:

(-0.07774502579218864, 0.024258508125118667)

Why are these two values different?

Thank you
Snehal Shekatkar

On Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 3:05 PM, Tiago de Paula Peixoto <tiago@skewed.de> wrote:
On 05.10.2017 05:15, Snehal Shekatkar wrote:
> The gt.assortativity still seems to be wrong to me. I tried calculating the
> degree-assortativity using gt.assortativity and gt.scalar_assortativity as
> well as manually. My code:
> import graph_tool.all as gt
> # Load a graph
> g = gt.collection.data['karate']
> # Get the adjacency matrix
> adj_mat = gt.adjacency(g).todense()
> # Calculate S values
> S1 = sum([v.out_degree() for v in g.vertices()])
> S2 = sum([(v.out_degree())**2 for v in g.vertices()])
> S3 = sum([(v.out_degree())**3 for v in g.vertices()])
> Se = 0
> for i in range(g.num_vertices()-1):
>     for j in range(i+1, g.num_vertices()):
>         Se += adj_mat[i, j] * g.vertex(i).out_degree() *
> g.vertex(j).out_degree()
> Se *= 2
> # Calculate the assortativity coefficient
> print((S1*Se-S2**2)/(S1*S3-S2**2))
> print(gt.assortativity(g, deg = 'out'))
> print(gt.scalar_assortativity(g, deg = 'out'))
> Results are:
> -0.475613097685
> (-0.07774502579218864, 0.024258508125118667)
> (-0.4756130976846143, 0.1669286053081143)

What is your point?

The first and third values are identical, up to floating point accuracy. The
second value is different, as it should be, since it is a completely
different coefficient.

Tiago de Paula Peixoto <tiago@skewed.de>

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Snehal M. Shekatkar