Dear all,
I have been using the lasted version of graph-tools, compiled from master and I'm not having much success with using weighted networks on the method "minimize_nested_blockmodel_dl"

I'm passing the weights as the "recs" argument. The code executes the entire task, but when I visualize the communities doesn't seem to be correctly assigned. I would appreciate if someone could, please, show an example of use, or take a look at my code, as follow:


gtGraph = gt.Graph(directed=True)

#load the weight
prop = gtGraph.new_edge_property("double")

for i,e in enumerate(edges):
    prop[gtGraph.edge(e[0],e[1])] = w[i]

state = gt.minimize_nested_blockmodel_dl(gtGraph, state_args={"recs":[prop], "rec_types":['real-normal']})


Tank you.

Best regards.
