HI I am new to graph tools, and I have installed graph tools in anaconda environment on my PC(CentOS 7) and tried to run the following example code:

>>>from graph_tool.all import *
>>>g = Graph()
>>>v1 = g.add_vertex()
>>>v2 = g.add_vertex()
>>>e = g.add_edge(v1, v2)
vertex_text=g.vertex_index, vertex_font_size=18,output_size=(200, 200), output="two-nodes.png")

and I get his error

/home/maddy/anaconda2/bin/python: symbol lookup error: /home/maddy/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/graph_tool/draw/libgraph_tool_draw.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5Cairo7Context16select_font_faceERKSsNS_9FontSlantENS_10FontWeightE

however i don't get the error if i don't use:
vertex_text=g.vertex_index in graph_draw
and the code successfully gives expected graph except for vertex_index

Although I found from the forums that It could be due to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and I have set the path in ~/.bashrc:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH:"/home/maddy/anaconda2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

Could you you help me fix the issue as I am in dire need to generate the graphs for academic purposes and deadlines are just around.

Thank you for the patience
