Kernel Died Problem


I am trying to follow the example on "edge prediction as binary

Here is my code:

*import graph_tool as gt
import pandas as pd*

# create a graph object in data frame format

*ndf =

ng = gt.Graph()

nprop = ng.new_edge_property("float")
ng.edge_properties['Weight'] = nprop* # important to map the properties to
the graph

*LayerProp = ng.new_edge_property('float')
ng.edge_properties['LayerProp'] = LayerProp*

*nvp =

# minimizing the graph and inferring partitions

*stateA = gt.inference.minimize_nested_blockmodel_dl(ng,layers=True,
*L = 10
bs = stateA.get_bs()
bs += [np.zeros(1)]*(L-len(bs))

stateB = stateA.copy(bs=bs, sampling=True)

def collect_edge_probs(s):
    p =

missing_edges = [(1,2,1)] *# for layered network you need to specify layer


When I run this code, it gives me kernel died error. Please help.

I have another query that; how can we get the layer associated with the

In the above code when I try the command

*for i in nvp: print(i)*

I get the output as : *a,c,b,e,d*

and when I type the command


I get the output: *PropertyArray([ 1., 2., 3., 1., 2.])*

How do I understand that because the order of addition of nodes depends on
the order they come along with add_edge_list command, while the LayerProp is
added in the order as mentioned in the property map.


I am trying to follow the example on "edge prediction as binary

Here is my code:

*import graph_tool as gt
import pandas as pd*

# create a graph object in data frame format

*ndf =

ng = gt.Graph()

nprop = ng.new_edge_property("float")
ng.edge_properties['Weight'] = nprop* # important to map the properties to
the graph

*LayerProp = ng.new_edge_property('float')
ng.edge_properties['LayerProp'] = LayerProp*

*nvp =

# minimizing the graph and inferring partitions

*stateA = gt.inference.minimize_nested_blockmodel_dl(ng,layers=True,


*L = 10
bs = stateA.get_bs()
bs += [np.zeros(1)]*(L-len(bs))

stateB = stateA.copy(bs=bs, sampling=True)

def collect_edge_probs(s):
p =


missing_edges = [(1,2,1)] *# for layered network you need to specify layer


When I run this code, it gives me kernel died error. Please help.

This might be a bug. Please open an issue in the website with this example, and I'll take a look at it when I have the time.

(Also, please do not post the same email multiple times to the mailing list. If I haven't responded the first time, it's because I did not have the chance to look into it)

I have another query that; how can we get the layer associated with the

In the above code when I try the command

*for i in nvp: print(i)*

I get the output as : *a,c,b,e,d*

and when I type the command


I get the output: *PropertyArray([ 1., 2., 3., 1., 2.])*

How do I understand that because the order of addition of nodes depends on
the order they come along with add_edge_list command, while the LayerProp is
added in the order as mentioned in the property map.

I'm not sure I understand your question. Nodes do not belong to different layers, only the edges do.

Thank you sir, I will open the issue on the website. :slight_smile:


I tried raising this issue on Git Lab page of graph-tool but somehow it
always fails with an error 500 page popping up. I tried using different
internet connections and computers but no solution.

Also, I tried looking for this particular Git Lab issue which has reported
by others as well. But there isn;t any specific solution associated with
this problem.

Thanks for reporting this. The problem has been fixed.