How can I know a specific edge from a Graph?

Hello everyone, I'm having a hard time dealing with multiple edges in a graph
with the use of gt.shortest_path with negative weights. This is a simple
code that creates a simple graph in order to show my problem:

g70 = gt.Graph()

edge_weight = g70.new_edge_property("double")
g70.edge_properties["weight"] = edge_weight

edges = [[0,1],[1,2],[0,2],[0,2]]
weights = [-1,0,-2, 0]

for i in range(len(edges)):
    e = g70.add_edge(edges[i][0], edges[i][1])
    g70.ep.weight[e] = weights[i]

for path in gt.shortest_path(g70, 0, 2, weights=g70.ep.weight,
gt.graph_draw(g70, vertex_text=g70.vertex_index, edge_text=g70.ep.weight)

As you can see in the image, there are 2 edges from node 0 to node 2, the
solution that appears before the image specifies: <Edge object with source
'0' and target '2' at 0x7f2b70d49930> meaning that the shortest path from
node 0 to node 2 is an edge from node 0 to node 2. However it doesn't
specify which one of the two edges: (0,2) ->0, (0,2)->-2 is the solution

Since this is a small part of an another algorithm I'm writing, I also need
to know the final sum of the path (-2 in this case), because I'm using
Bellman-Ford as a solution to linear inequalities, so I tried accessing the
edge with the nodes like g70.weight[g70.edge(path[node],path[node+1])] and
because the path doesn't specify which of the two edges is the solution, I
can't seem to find the SPECIFIC edge that appears in the path. (In this case
it was simple: (0->2), however in my program for example a path is:
(0->4->5->6) and I have two edges (5->6) )

TL;DR: I have a directed graph with multiple edges and negative weights. I
plan to use Bellman Ford to solve a small system of linear inequalities.
After using gt.shortest_path, how can I access each EDGE of the path in
order to sum each weight of the specific edge that appears in the path?


Of course it does. The function returns both the vertices and the edges.
The edge descriptors map to a specific edges, which have their own index
and properties (such as weight). Just do the following:

for e in gt.shortest_path(g70, 0, 2, weights=g70.ep.weight,
    print(e, g70.edge_index[e], g70.ep.weight[e])

which will print:

(0, 2) 2 -2.0

Note that it's always obvious which of the parallel edges get selected:
it's always the one with the smallest weight, otherwise it would not be
part of the shortest path.
