Error when specifying vertex_size=degree when drawing the largest component only

Dear graph-tool owner and subscriber,

I would like to draw the largest component of a directed graph g, where the
vertex size = the out degree.
Here's my code:
g = load_graph(inFile)
g=GraphView(g,vfilt=label_largest_component(g, directed=False))
deg =g.degree_property_map("out")
deg.a = (sqrt(deg.a) * 0.5 + 0.4)+1
graph_draw(g, vertex_size=deg,output="test1.pdf")

But I keep getting the following error whenever I try to draw it:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/enigmaFish/PycharmProjects/project/", line 49, in
    graph_draw(g, vertex_size=deg,output="test1.pdf")
line 1138, in graph_draw
    pad, cr)
line 1312, in fit_to_view
    font_size, cr)
line 1285, in get_bb
    x_delta = [x_range[0] - (pos_x.fa - delta).min(),
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (47579,)

Note that g is <Graph object, directed, with 47579 vertices and 38781 edges
at 0x1292a15d0>
Upon filtering, it becomes <GraphView object, directed, with 10438 vertices
and 12388 edges, edges filtered by (&lt;PropertyMap object with key type
'Edge' and value type 'bool', for Graph 0x1292bcd10, at 0x1292cf5d0>,
False), vertices filtered by (<PropertyMap object with key type 'Vertex' and
value type 'bool', for Graph 0x1292bcd10, at 0x1292cf110>, False) at

Thank you very much for your help!